Hispanics hate Open Borders

The Washington Post recently headlined an op-ed entitled Biden is bleeding support from Hispanic voters. Democrats should be petrified, and 538 notes that Biden Has Lost Support Across All Groups Of Americans — But Especially Independents And Hispanics. The key graph from 538 is below. While Biden has lost 10-12 points with whites and blacks, he is down about 20 points with Hispanics.


A Quinnipiac University poll from October 6th provides more detail, but let me spoil the punchline: Hispanics by and large hold similar opinions to the average American. The numbers.

General Opinions of the Biden Administration

Hispanics rate Biden's overall performance rating a bit better than than all Americans, but only by a few percentage points. Like most Americans, Hispanics disapprove of Biden's overall performance by a substantial margin.

More than the average American, Hispanics think the Biden administration is incompetent.

Hispanics view Biden's management of the economy as other Americans do, that is, they are unsatisfied with his performance.

Hispanics think the Biden administration is a disaster on foreign policy.

Immigration Issues

The US public thinks Biden is doing a terrible job on immigration issues. Hispanics are even more critical than the general public.

Hispanics think Biden is doing an even worse job on the border than the average American does, Hispanics by a ratio of almost 3 to 1. If advocacy groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, the National Immigration Law Center or the Immigration Hub think Open Borders is a good idea, well, most Hispanics disagree with them. The progressive advocates are out of step with the American public, including the Hispanic public.

​Americans as a whole think the Biden administration is not being aggressive enough in deporting undocumented immigrants by a ratio of 3:1. Hispanics, by a ratio of 2:1, think the Biden administration should be more aggressive with deportations. These are huge margins.

Hispanics disapprove of the Biden administration's treatment of undocumented immigrants, but by a smaller margin than the average American.

Overall, the views of Hispanics are not much different than the views of the general public. Hispanics are unhappy about the Biden administration, its perceived incompetence, management of the economy, and its immigration strategy. The public -- including the Hispanic public -- is sharply critical of the administration's open borders policy.